What Are the Online Nursing Education Prerequisites in Delaware?

To become a nursing educator in Delaware, you must have a registered nursing license which you will have acquired after a nursing degree (ADN or BSN). You'll also need a graduate degree in the form of a master's degree or doctorate. The latter is preferred though not mandatory.

Online RN to MSN Nurse Educator Programs

Those who have worked with an RN for some years have a handful of opportunities. Nevertheless, most are available online or as hybrids. graduates have several opportunities in Delaware to study a nursing education MSN. Students cover a range of nursing and education-related subjects including both practice and theory, ethics, curriculum development, and evaluation methods. Eligibility requirements for applicants are:

  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8or 3.0 on the 4.0 scale; send transcripts
  • Minimum grades may also apply to specific individual courses (statistics, research, and health assessment are common)
  • Unencumbered RN license
  • Your NCLEX-RN score may be required
  • CPR certification may be required

Online BSN to MSN Nurse Educator Programs

BSN graduates have several opportunities in Delaware to study a nursing education MSN. Students cover a range of nursing and education-related subjects including both practice and theory, ethics, curriculum development, and evaluation methods. Eligibility requirements for applicants are:

  • A regionally accredited BSN
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; send transcripts along with scores
  • A current and unencumbered RN license
  • Your NCLEX-RN score may be required
  • CPR certification

Online Doctorate Nurse Educator Programs: DNP, Ph.D., or Ed.D.

There are three doctorate programs for nursing education to choose from. A Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) for practicing doctors, a Doctorate of Nursing Philosophy (PhD) for doctors of research, and a Doctorate of Education (EdD) for those who wish to teach in the nursing field.

The admission requirements for applying to a doctorate program in nursing education are similar to the requirements for other nursing education programs, except that you will need to possess a master's degree before you begin.

The University of Delaware has a great online PhD program in nursing worth looking into, and they also have a fantastic online DNP program.

Nurse Educator Licensing and Certification in Delaware

No matter how your path to nursing education progresses, an RN license is mandatory even if you no longer intend to practice. This is a prerequisite for entry into a relevant graduate program – either an MSN in Nursing Education or a Nursing MSN with an education concentration.

A CNE (Certificate of Nursing Education) is optional to practice as a nursing educator, though it is generally preferred. There are three types:

  • The standard CNE is for academia
  • The CNEcl certification is for those who teach practice and other professionals. Two years minimum practice and three years formal experience is required
  • The CNEn certification is for novices(under three years of experience)

You must continue to fulfill the expectations of the RN license. Also, note that CNE certification has ongoing eligibility criteria.

RN licensing in Delaware costs $156 for the application fee and a $200 exam fee. License by endorsement is $156. The CNE costs the same wherever you are in the country: $400 for NLN members and $500 for non-members.

Who Hires Nurse Educators in Delaware?

There are many ways to apply for your nursing educator degree:

  • In academia: You can work in colleges and universities around the state or the country teaching prospective new nurses and those pursuing graduate-level education
  • Teaching professionals: Training existing nurses and other medical professionals in new skills, techniques, methods, law, and administration
  • Private organizations: You could work to train medical professionals or other advisory roles to both frontline and support employees
  • Charity organizations: There's a wide range of third-sector jobs, lobbying the government on health issues, aid work, and public health

List of Nurse Educator Degree Programs in Delaware

Ready to find an online or campus-based nurse educator degree program in Delaware? Explore our listings to find the perfect program that matches your academic goals and career aspirations.

Dover, DE

Graduate Certificate Programs
120 North State Street
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 736-2300

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