What Are the Online Nursing Education Prerequisites in Washington?

To become a nurse educator, you’ll either need to be a licensed registered nurse or have your bachelor’s degree in nursing. Some programs also require that you have a certain number of years under your belt working as a nurse before you can enroll in a nurse educator program.

Choosing an online nurse educator program can be a smart move for nurses who want to continue working in the field while also getting the education they need to take the next step in their careers.

Online RN to MSN Nurse Educator Programs

This type of program allows you to move from RN to MSN without also needing a BSN. During your coursework, you’ll complete the requirements for a BSN, qualifying you to move straight from your RN to your MSN degree. You’ll need to show proof of your licensure to work as a nurse, and you may need to submit letters of recommendation from your supervisor.

Online BSN to MSN Nurse Educator Programs

If you already have your BSN, you’ll want to look for a BSN to MSN nurse educator program. This program will allow you to take advantage of the courses you took in your undergraduate career, fast-tracking you to work as a nurse educator. To gain admission to an online BSN to MSN nurse educator program, you’ll likely need to submit your undergraduate transcripts and may also need to submit letters of recommendation from your supervisor.

Online Doctorate Nurse Educator Programs: DNP, Ph.D., or Ed.D.

There are three doctorate programs for nursing education–a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), a Doctor of Nursing Philosophy (PhD), and a Doctor of Education (EdD).

The DNP is typically for those who want to become practicing doctors, while the PhD is typically for research. The EdD is for those students who want to go on to teach, but these degrees are less common.

The University of Washington has a great online DNP in nursing program, as well as a fantastic online PhD program.

The admission requirements for entering a doctorate program in nursing education are similar to the requirements for other nursing education programs but you will be required to hold a higher degree (MSN).

Nurse Educator Licensing and Certification in Washington

To earn your certification and license to work as a nurse educator in Washington, you’ll need to complete an accredited nurse educator program and pass the Certification for Nurse Educators. After completing your licensing process, you must stay on top of continuing education requirements. Since the continuing education requirements for nurse educators can change, staying on top of your state’s requirements is key in maintaining your license over time.

Who Hires Nurse Educators in Washington?

Many organizations hire nurse educators in Washington. As a nurse educator, you’ll get to choose between many different work environments. Some nurse educators enjoy working at hospitals, while others prefer to work in university settings.

Popular employers of nurse educators in the state of Washington include:

List of Nurse Educator Degree Programs in Washington

Ready to find an online or campus-based nurse educator degree program in Washington? Explore our listings to find the perfect program that matches your academic goals and career aspirations.

Bothell, WA

MSN Programs
18115 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011
(425) 352-5000

Kent, WA

College of Health Professions
20435 72nd Ave S #301
Kent, WA 98032
(877) 214-7004

Pullman, WA

Graduate Certificate Programs
1815 Wilson Rd
Pullman, WA 99164
(509) 335-3564

Vancouver, WA

Graduate Certificate Programs
14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave
Vancouver, WA 98686
(360) 546-9788

Are we missing your school's program or need to update information listed? Please contact us so we can make the necessary changes.

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