Nurse Educator Schools in Idaho
Are you currently working as a practice nurse in Idaho? Considering your next career step toward nursing education? Idaho is a great state for nursing, including opportunities to teach, and there is an abundance of programs available for getting your license such as the BSN to MSN program at Idaho State. To enter, you will need to follow a specific graduate education path. This is how you go about getting started.
What Are the Online Nursing Education Prerequisites in Idaho?
Just like working in practice nursing, you will need both a nursing undergraduate degree and a current registered nursing license. From there, you need a relevant graduate program. This can be an MSN in nursing offering an education pathway, or one of a growing number of dedicated MSNs in nursing education. You may also study to the doctorate level (PhD, DNP, or EdD).
Online BSN to MSN Nurse Educator Programs
There is currently one opportunity to study a nursing MSN for nursing education in Idaho. Courses include educational theory, pathophysiology, health assessment, advanced leadership skills, and curriculum development. Entry requirements include:
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on the 4.0 scale
- Already completed a CCNE-accredited BSN
- Application form and fees
- An unencumbered RN license
- English proficiency for applicants from non-native English speakers
Online Doctorate Nurse Educator Programs: DNP, Ph.D., or Ed.D.
There are three doctorate programs for nursing education–a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), a Doctor of Nursing Philosophy (PhD), and a Doctor of Education (EdD).
The DNP is typically for those who want to become practicing doctors, while the PhD is typically for research. The EdD is for those students who want to go on to teach, but these degrees are less common.
There are a few online options for each of these different degrees. For both DNP programs and PhD programs, check out Idaho State University.
The admission requirements for entering a doctorate program in nursing education are similar to the requirements for other nursing education programs but you will be required to hold a higher degree (MSN).
Nurse Educator Licensing and Certification in Idaho
RN licensing is required for nursing education, even if you have no intention of practicing nursing beyond the hours stipulated for maintained licensing. You must have an accredited relevant nursing graduate degree.
There are three types of certificates available. Which you should apply for depends on your intended eventual place of work:
- Type one is the CNE certification. This is for academic educators
- Type two is the CNEcl certification. This is for educators of existing professionals
- Type three is the CNEn certification. This is the novice certification for the newly qualified
You will need a current and unencumbered RN license for CNE certification. Other stipulations are also included such as a minimum number of hours of ongoing education.
RN licensing in Idaho costs $90 for the application and a further $200 for the exam. CNE cost is the same no matter which state you are in: $400 for NLN members and $500 for non-members.
Who Hires Nurse Educators in Idaho?
What careers might you find open to you?
- Formal education: Teaching undergraduates and graduate nursing students. Research and other academic responsibilities may be included
- Professional skills education: Working in hospitals and clinics teaching working professionals about new procedures and skills while also having clinical responsibilities
- Private training provider: This is similar to professional skills education, but you'll work for private providers and won't just teach medical professionals – but also support and admin staff
- Charities: Working for public health awareness, advising the government on policy changes, or campaigning for specific health concerns, you could teach the public or professionals
List of Nurse Educator Degree Programs in Idaho
Ready to find an online or campus-based nurse educator degree program in Idaho? Explore our listings to find the perfect program that matches your academic goals and career aspirations.
Nampa, ID
Northwest Nazarene University
Nampa, ID 83686
(187) 766-8496 x8
Pocatello, ID
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID 83209
(208) 282-2102
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